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Dine' (Navajo) Weaving tools:
NEW (March 2010): One of four spindles (below) is still available, 36 in. long, handmade by Churro sheep raiser and weaver Betty Nez, from Coal Mine Mesa. One is stained dark, the others are natural:
Betty Nez, handmade spindles, 36 in. long. $40 each, plus shipping; three natural, one stained dark brown. (Spindle on far left is sold, the one on far right and the dark-stained spindle next to it are sold; one is still available: (second from left).
Wonderful assortment of weaving combs by a Dine' from Red Lake--ALL COMBS AND WEAVING TOOLS ARE SOLD OUT (March 2010)
Traditional Dine' (Navajo) weaving combs 8.5 to 13 ins., handmade of hardwood (all $40 each, plus mailing).
8-toothed combs. ALL SOLD
8-toothed combs. SOLD
MBM-HD-19. 8-toothed, 13 in. SOLD
ALL SOLD (double comb NFS), below:
The 6-tooth combs were $30 [SOLD]; each; 8-tooth combs were $40 each; the 16-toothed comb is NFS. SOLD
MBM-412abcd. Four complete sets of superbly handcrafted weaving tools, each with three combs (two double-ended), by the same maker of the superb combs shown above. $185 each set ($115 to the maker). Here's feedback on one set sold: "I received the set and it's lovely. thank you" (--from a customer in Montana). All four have been sold, but you may special-order others. SOLD OUT
Traditional Dine' (Navajo) Clay Pipes
Handmade from local clay and fired in the same open pit firing technique as Dine' (Navajo) traditional pottery, these clay pipes are used by the Dine' to ceremonially smoke indigenous tobacco, which grows wild in the mountains. No two are exactly alike. Each one is hand-formed and has unique"fire clouds" that color them through contact with the burning coals.
JUNE 2006: From Betty Nez, of Coal Mine Mesa, these five beautifully made pinyon-pitch covered traditional pipes are 3- to 4 in. long, and $25 each (plus shipping); TWO are still in stock.
Bowl view. Two of these pipes are still available.
Side and bottom views. Two of these pipes are still available.
The two larger ones are 5 and 5.5 inches long, $35 each. SOLD OUT
The 8 smaller ones range from 3 to 4 inches in length and are $25 each. SOLD OUT
Traditional Dine' (Navajo) Firestarters [SOLD OUT]
Here are two traditional--and working--Dine' (Navajo) firestarters, made by Benjamin Nez, son of Betty Nez of the Coal Mine Mesa community. Twirled in a bed of dry and finely shredded bark (juniper bark is generally used by the Dine'), they can be used to start a campfire. Each beautifully balanced firestarter is entirely handmade of wood and leather and decorated with different feathers on the top, 14 in. long x 12 inches wide. $40 each.
Both sold, but you can order others.
Write to: Black Mesa Weavers, P.O. Box 543, Newton, MA 02456
or email to: carol@migrations.com to place an order, or for more information.
Copyright © 1998 -2010 Carol Snyder Halberstadt, Black Mesa Weavers for Life and Land, Inc. All rights reserved. Migrations and Black Mesa Weavers for Life and Land are trademarks of Migrations.
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