Heirlooms for the Future Help make possible Grandma Thomas's Dream --
A CommunityYouth Center
in Chinle, Arizona, Navajo Nation
Superb Dine' (Navajo) Sterling Silver and Semiprecious Stones Jewelry by Orville Tsinnie, donated for sale at a 50% tax deduction for each item.
Migrations is honored to host this sale on behalf of Grandma Marjorie Thomas 's dream. She is a woman of wisdom, strength, honesty, and amazing courage. Neither illness (diabetes), which she has battled all her life, nor disappointment has ever slowed her down: educator, author, and activist, with a vision for the youth of Chinle. In June 2005, I had been reading a lot in the local press about Grandma Marjorie Thomas and her upcoming Walk for Youth. Chinle is a small town in the Navajo Nation, a "gateway" town to Tse'yi' (Canyon de Chelly), which is a sacred place for the Dine', a home for many of them, and a place where thousands of tourists come each year. In the town of Chinle, there are schools, a supermarket, a hospital, a small shopping center, fast food, government offices, and three motels---but no real community center where the youth of Chinle can gather for afterschool, weekend, and vacation activities.
On June 29, 2005, the Central Navajo Youth Opportunities Coalition's (CNYOC) 12th Annual Grandma Thomas Walk-a-Thon began, ending on July 2nd. From the press release about this year's Walk-a-Thon:"The Walk-a-Thon was conceived by Grandmother Marjorie Thomas, a retired Navajo educator and former school administrator from Chinle, AZ. She is in her mid-70's [now in her mid-80s] and has been hampered by a lifelong diabetic condition. Yet she has made a commitment to fulfill a dream of building a youth recreational facility in central Navajo after seeing enough youth violence claiming lives and destroying young families.
The Walk-a-thon is a four-day 70-mile hike between Chinle, Ganado, and Window Rock, AZ, with three nights of outdoor camping along Arizona highways 191 and 264. The walk is open to anyone wishing to participate and is supported by many community volunteers, including various Navajo tribal health and safety programs, Apache County Sheriff Department, Arizona Highway Patrol, Navajo Police Districts, Navajo Veterans, Senior Citizen groups, Indian Health Service units, invited guests, news media,and most important, children of all ages.
The Walk-a-thon is only a local fundraiser, meaning that the CNYOC is also pursuing other alternatives of seeking much-needed funds in the range of $25 million. These include grantwriting to county, state, federal governments, universities, and colleges, and sifting through private philanthropic resources and foundations nationally and internationally. A new CNYOC fundraising idea in the works is to utilize the network of media entertainment and Internet technology to promote and draw attention to Grandma Thomas's work to construct a multipurpose youth center based on culture, heritage, and tradition. ...."
Thus, here is the jewelry for sale in this special Internet outreach to the world:
BRACELETS By Orville Tsinnie--Small are 5 in. interior; 1-1/8 in. opening.
--Medium are 5.5 in. interior; 1-1/8 in. opening.
--Large are 5.75 interior; 1.25 in. opening.
All pure heavyweight sterling silver (except for the three brass bracelets), and all Orville Tsinnie's work is of impeccable quality and deep feeling.
#4A Plain triangle bracelet, size large, $150 ($75 tax-deductible; [SOLD]
#3 round wire-wrapped bracelet, size medium, $150 ($75 tax-deductible)
#22B stamped triangle bracelet, size small, $165 ($82.50 tax deductible) (another photo of this is below)
#13A. Round wire-wrapped bracelet, size large, $150 ($75 tax-deductible). SOLD
#22C stamped triangle bracelet, size extra-large, $165 (82.50 tax-deductible); SOLD
#7C round stamped bracelet, stamped inside and outside, size extra-large, $165 (82.50 tax-deductible) SOLD
#22D incised triangle bracelet, size large, $165 (82.50 tax-deductible). SOLD
#22B stamped triangle bracelet, size small, $165 (82.50 tax-deductible) [also pictured above];
#6 round stamped bracelet, size large, $165 (82.50 tax-deductible); SOLD
#7A round stamped bracelet, stamped inside and out, size small, $165 (82.50 tax-deductible).SOLD
#4E plain triangle bracelet, size medium, $150 ($75 tax-deductible); SOLD
#14 plain squared bracelet, size medium, $150 ($75 tax-deductible);
#7B stamped round bracelet, stamped inside and out, size medium, $165 (82.50 tax-deductible). SOLD
#4B plain triangle bracelet, size small, $150 ($75 tax-deductible);
#22E stamped triangle bracelet, size medium, $165 (82.50 tax-deductible); SOLD
#5 round bracelet with black oval onyx stone, placed asymmetrically, size small, $180 ($90 tax-deductible).
#5B round bracelet with lapis oval stone, placed asymmetrically, size small $180 ($90 tax-deductible).[Was on hold and is now available; size was a bit too small to fit customer, who exchanged it for a different one, size medium]
#2A, #2B, #2C, three round highly polished brass bracelets $105 each, all size large ($52.50 tax-deductible each).
EARRINGS by Orville Tsinnie (Hard-to-find really comfortable clips!)
#20 (top) 1-1/4 in. high x 1-1/4 in wide (stamped and overlay) $72 ($36 tax-deductible);
#18 (bottom) 1-1/2 in. high x 3/4 in. wide, overlay, $60 ($30 tax-deductible). [ON HOLD]
#17 1-1/2 in. long x 7/8 in. wide spondylus shell in sterling silver, $135 ($67.50 tax-deductible);
#16 2-1/4 in. long x 3/4 in wide, spondylus shell in sterling, $156 ($78 tax-deductible);
#19 (also pictured below), 1-1/4 in. diameter stamped and overlay $75 ($37.50 tax-deductible).
#19 (also pictured above), 1-1/4 in. diameter stamped and overlay $75 ($37.50 tax-deductible).
Larger image of #17, 2.25 in. long x 3/4 in wide, spondylus shell in sterling, $135 ($67.50 tax-deductible).
RINGS by Orville Tsinnie
#9A (size 10); #9B (size 9[SOLD]; #9C (size 8), each stamped dome sterling, 1-5/8 in. long, $90 each ($45 each tax-deductible).
#8A (size 7) (far left); #8B (size 12 (in center); #8C (size 8-1/2) (far right)[SOLD]; each plain polished dome sterling, 1-5/8 in. long, $72 each ($36 each tax-deductible).
#13B (size 11) (far left) square spondylus shell in sterling 3/4 in sq. $100 ($50 tax-deductible)SOLD
#12 (size 6) oval spondylus shell in sterling 1-1/8 in. long $70 ($35 tax-deductible) (in center).
#10B (size 7) oval spondylus shell in sterling 1-3/16 in. long $198 ($99 tax-deductible), (far right).
#10A (size 7) oval spondylus shell in sterling 1-1/8 in. long $198 ($99 tax-deductible);
#13A (size 8-1/2) square spondylus shell in sterling, 7/8 in sq. $100 ($50 tax-deductible).SOLD
#11B (size 7) (on far left)SOLD
#11A (size 8) (on far right) oval spondylus shell in sterling $60 each ($30 each tax-deductible)
#15 (size 6) (in center) oval spondylus shell $70 ($35 tax-deductible).
The press release continues: "The Walk-a-Thon also welcomes MONETARY DONATIONS of cash, checks and/or money orders, either in person or via postal mail. Checks and money orders are to be made out to: CNYOC, P.O. Box 2060, Chinle, AZ 86503.
CNYOC, a nonprofit organization, has asked Dineh Cooperatives, Inc. (DCI) of Chinle, AZ, to be its fiscal agent. DCI is the Navajo Nation's community development corporation and has a 33-year history of successful grants management and project implementation. It is also a nonprofit organization exempt from tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) and their identification number is 86-0267934. Their phone number is 928-674-3411."
It's a small world, and through several friends and acquaintances I met Marjorie Thomas in late June, at the Chinle headquarters of DCI. Marjorie was focused: a Navajo artist and silversmith had donated this superb jewelry to her organization; I had a website that could bring it and her cause to worldwide attention. So here is this very special collection for a very special purpose. This is heavyweight, high-quality Dine' work--for men and women--timeless, elegant, and always in style. And 50% of every purchase is tax-deductible.
CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-866-424-8776 (10 a.m. to 7 p.m. east coast time)or email carol@migrations.com
or write to:
P.O. Box 95204
Newton, MA 02495
Ahe'hee'--thank you for your support.
Write to: Migrations, P.O. Box 95204, Newton, MA 02495
or email to: carol@migrations.com to place an order or for more information. Or call toll-free 1-866-4-CHURRO (1-866-424-8776) east coast daylight savings time, 10 am - 7 pm.
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